👩‍💻 RoBenatti

Front-end Developer

Based in The Netherlands

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Showcasing a selection of my latest projects

Teacher Fran Website Project for Portuguese speakers

Teacher Fran

Website created for a private English teacher, focused on Portuguese speakers from Brazil. The website is a private project, therefore is not available on Github. For more details, you can visit the Teacher Fran Website.

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Italian Recipe AI Generator Project

Italian Recipe

The site "Italian Recipe AI Generator" offers an overview of a project designed to generate Italian recipes using artificial intelligence. For more details, you can visit the Netlify project overview.

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Retro Weather App Project

Retro Weather App

The "Weather App 80s" hosted on Netlify is a weather forecasting application with a retro 1980s design. It offers users the ability to check current weather conditions and forecasts for different locations, wrapped in a nostalgic, vintage-themed interface. The app is responsive and provides essential weather details like temperature, humidity, and wind speed in a user-friendly format. The project demonstrates a blend of functional web development skills with creative design, making weather updates visually engaging. Check out the app here.

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